Archive for April, 2015

Robotic Manufacturing Processes

Read the article linked here:

Now, after reading the articles, answer the following questions and email a document to me with your responses (

1. What are some of the reasons that robotic manufacturing processes are used?

2. What are some of the advantages of robotic processes?

3. What are some processes that are still completed by humans?

4. What are the advantages of having a robot that is able to “see” what it is doing?

5. What are some of the advantages of using robotic painting processes?


Answer these using specific references to the article. Full sentences are required.


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Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing

Read the following article:

1. Choose one of the companies listed and describe the steps that they are taking to manufacture their products in an environmentally sensitive way.

2. Describe the advantages to manufacturing products in an environmentally sensitive fashion.

3. Describe some potential challenges of environmentally sensitive manufacturing.

Email your completed work to


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Educational Research

Click HERE if you are looking for outlines for the four manufacturing projects.

Where would you go to school?

Take a look at any of the following trades and research a school based in Ontario that can provide the training required to enter that field:

Underwater welder
Automotive Repair
Tool and Die Maker
CNC Machinist

Provide an outline with the following information:

Name of School/Location

Length of Program and Cost (if available)

Entry Requirements

Sample of courses you will take in the program

Career Opportunities for graduates.


Email your completed response to

Please complete and submit the “Career Research” assignment if you have not yet done so.

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