Archive for October, 2015

Monday, October 26th

Grade 11

Where would you go to school?

Take a look at any of the following trades and research a school based in Ontario that can provide the training required to enter that field:

Underwater welder
Automotive Repair
Tool and Die Maker
CNC Machinist

Provide an outline with the following information:

Name of School/Location
Length of Program and Cost (if available)
Entry Requirements
Sample of courses you will take in the program
Career Opportunities for graduates.

Enter this information into this assignment posted on the Quia site:

If you have completed this you can work on unfinished work from last week or continue research for “functional CNC” or your personal independent project that will be completed before the christmas break.

Grade 10

Choose a career in the manufacturing field, research it online and gather the following information to be entered on Quia here:

You must include the following information in your finished product:
Job description
Educational Requirements (list at least two places that you could receive the education required for this job)
Skills needed by people who do this job
Wage expectations (for people that do this job in Canada if possible, in Canadian dollars if not)
Where you would work if you had this job (names of companies)
Opportunities for advancement (what else is there that people who do this job can do?)
Picture(s) of somebody doing this job or other relevant graphics

Possible Careers:

Underwater welder
Automotive Repair
Tool and Die Maker
CNC Machinist

Grade 12

Take time today to complete research on post-secondary opportunities in the manufacturing industry (i.e. welding, machining). Try to find information on program name, location, length and cost. Find out what sort of career opportunities exist in the field that your have selected.

Complete a brief write-up with the above information as well as your perspective on the chosen pathway and email it to me at

Have a good day and see you on Tuesday.

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Thursday, October 22nd

Grade 10:

Hi! Use the computers to research and complete a “shop safety poster” detailing one shop safety rule.

Use whatever computer software package you are comfortable with.

Include images and as much information as necessary. You can print out and hand in OR email these to me when complete – .

If you have completed this try to find a lathe instructional video on youtube, especially one that deals with feed rates, speeds and RPM.

See you tomorrow!

Grade 12:

Research and respond to the following statement:

“It should be illegal to throw an aluminum can in the garbage”

Provide reasons why this statement is true (or false, but it’s totally true).

A couple paragraphs would be cool.

See you tomorrow.

Grade 11:

A bit of reading for you today.

Precision Measuring:




After you have finished this reading, you can create a safety poster for a machining tool (i.e. lathe, mill, drill press)

Use online research to select a general safety rule and then assemble using images to create a poster.

When you complete this you can email it to me or print it out and hand it in.


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Wednesday, October, 21st

Grade 10:

The teacher has your QUIA password if you do not know what it is.

Read handout as well as information posted here and then complete the QUIA quiz located here:

If you have any safety quizzes not completed, take the time today to complete them.

We will be making metal stools with CNC routed tops of MDF wood. You will need to find a logo or design to place on the top of your stool – take some time today to find a logo to use with your project. Sports logos and motorsport logos have been popular in the past. Save what you find to your profile. Try to get a large image size. Logos work better than pictures – look for things with clean lines and solid colours.

Grade 11:

Read handout as well as information posted here and then complete the QUIA quiz located here:

If you have completed this and all other Quia quizzes, you can do some online research for upcoming project work including:

Functional CNC – We will do some CNC work using Vcarve, I would like us to talk about using CNC to create functional objects. Here are some examples.  (for example, toys, furniture, coasters, art – we will be using MDF to create these, but they might have some metal accents)

Grade 12:

Read handout as well as information posted here and then complete the QUIA quiz located here:

After that there are a few things I would like you to consider:

Tool storage: Please do some online research to help finalize our new tool rack layout. If you find any interesting concepts, save or print them to share with me on Monday.


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