Archive for September, 2015

Tuesday, September 15th

Grade 11

An upcoming project we will complete is designing and building a metal chair.

After you have completed the Quia work take some time to research some of the following:

Optimum chair dimensions (height/seat size/back/etc)

Existing metal/welded chair designs

We will be completing a formal design process for this project so now is the time to gather ideas and begin to think about what sort of metal chair you could build (we can include fabric elements if you are interested in doing so).

There will be material constraints that we work in – essentially the bulk of the material you use will be 1/2″ and 1/4″ round stock.

Save any work/images you find for future reference.

Grade 12

Hi Grade 12’s – take some time today (after you have completed the safety quizzes) to begin some research and design work for one of the four independent projects that you will need to complete this year.

Things to consider:

Design (what am I going to build)

Materials and resources required

Processes required

Of course we will be completing the “shop renewal” projects first before we start on any of the independent projects.

Save your work and I will present you with some more formal framework at a later date.

Some of you had mentioned an interest in TIG Welding – here is a good starting point:


Grade 10

New and Emerging Technologies

Describe how society is being affected today by various new and emerging technologies (e.g., electronic messaging, Global Positioning System [GPS], smart phones, wireless access, hybrid vehicles, nanotechnology, biotechnology, alternative energy such as solar or wind power, mapping systems such as google maps)

Choose one of the terms above, or select your own (check here for more ideas) and enter the following information into Quia under the “New and Emerging Technology” more:

Description of the technology (what is it and what does it do)

Short history or timeline of the technology

Use of the technology (who uses it for what)

Innovators – who is in the lead at developing this technology

Impacts – how is this technology affecting the world around us

Future – What is seen as the future of this technology – where is it going?

These assignments are meant to have you do some research into technology and technological change. Although they may not see directly related to the hands-on part of our course, they are curriculum requirements that we need to cover – these assignments will be graded and count as part of your final mark.


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Grade 11 Manufacturing – Types of Metal

Monday, September 14th

1. Complete all outstanding safety quizzes.

2. If you have not yet done so, complete the Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing reading and questions on Quia

3. View the slideshow here:

And then answer the questions in the Quia Quiz that is titled “Types of Metal”

If you complete this work you can check out some of ChuckE’s videos from the ARC welding series:

Part 3:

Common ARC welding problems:

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September 9th: Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing

For Grade 11 Manufacturing

Read the following article:

1. Choose one of the companies listed and describe the steps that they are taking to manufacture their products in an environmentally sensitive way.

2. Describe the advantages to manufacturing products in an environmentally sensitive fashion.

3. Describe some potential challenges of environmentally sensitive manufacturing.

Enter your answers in the “Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing” quiz on the Quia site.

When you’re done that, try out this estimating game:

And if you absolutely need to play a game, try this one:


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Thursday, September 3rd Links

Remember that your quiz site is


The contact lens/welding thing is a MYTH:

If you have contact lenses, don’t worry about it.

Grade 10: If you have completed your safety questions, check out this youtube video series:

Grade 12:

Some reading for you about the Canadian manufacturing sector:

Read the articles and then return to QUIA and answer a few questions about them.



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