Amazing news photos from Hurricane Ike

The Boston Globe has a feature known as “The Big Picture”.
These are some incredible pics from Hurricane Ike.
Check out some of the other Big Picture topics – there are some incredibly moving and amazing pictures in there.

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Google Chrome, a web browser from Google

You may have already heard that the search engine giant Google has created and released their own web browser. This browser is supposed to be faster and more secure than Internet Explorer and Firefox (which is what I currently use)
I tried it out a few times, and it seems good – not sure if I’m completely ready to switch yet, apparently there are some bugs that still need to be worked out.
Give it a try yourself, if you’d like – you can download it for free from Google (click here).

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Welcome Back!

This is the main page of my course website. On the right hand side you will find links with some personal information about me as well as links to the individual course pages.
This page will contain periodic updates that apply to all classes, as well as interesting or unusual comm tech related articles I may come across.

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Online Registration Link

Online Course Registration Link:

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TGJ 2O0 – Desktop Publishing – Menu Design

Overall Expectations

A1.2 demonstrate an understanding of design elements (e.g., line, form, colour, texture, space) and principles (e.g., balance, rhythm, proportion, contrast, flow);

A1.5 identify different types of communications software used to create communications technology products and services (e.g., software for photo, audio, and video editing, animation, page layout, web page creation, and computer graphics) and describe how they are used.

B3.1 apply creative skills, equipment operating skills, and software skills to create components for a media production (e.g., text, video footage, voice-overs, graphics, animations for a video promoting a school event);

Enduring (Key) Learning

This assignment should provide the beginning of a full understanding of the elements of graphic design, particularly page layout and design. The four principals of C.R.A.P will be the main takeaway from this lesson.

Prior Learning

Most students will have produced documents using a variety of desktop publishing software but most have not considered elements of design in doing so. Their prior knowledge in desktop publishing will help them along the road to quality document design.

Getting Ready

This lesson will build on the introductory lessons you have presented in desktop publishing (in my case this is InDesign). Students should have a good handle on the mechanics of page layout in whatever software you are using.

Teaching Strategies/Lesson Content

If you had your own restaurant, what would be on the menu? Would it be a fancy fine dining affair or a fun, kid-friendly burger joint? What would your restaurant be called? You can come up with a completely original idea or modify something that already exists.

Design a menu for a restaurant that includes at least 10 items with descriptions and prices. Include pictures for some but not necessarily all – that’s your choice.

Need some inspiration? Here is a Google image search for restaurant menu. Most of these are pretty plain – I’d like you to spice yours up with appropriate images and graphics.

Remember your design principles:

Contrast:  How will you make your items stand out? Will the name of the restaurant stand out from the rest of the page?

Repetition:  Choose one or two fonts to use throughout the menu. Use bold or italic if you need to make something stand out. Select colours that you can use throughout your design.

Alignment: How will you organize your menu items? Will you place them neatly in columns? Where will the images go?

Proximity: How will you group similar items (desserts, main dishes, etc)?

Your font selection is key here. This is the easiest way to give your reader an idea of what sort of experience they will have in your restaurant.

Check out the following graphic for an example of how a font change can completely change the feel of text:


The top text (which is Comic Sans, and should never be used, ever!) is very informal and relaxed. The second is a script type font which is much more refined and formal. The last two are along the lines of the first, but are a little more serious. This is something that you will have to experiment with in order to develop your own style. Always make sure that the fonts you are choosing are readable though!

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TMJ – ARC Welded Stump

This PDF is a handout for the classic “ARC Welded stump project” for use in a manufacturing class.

Students will be required to use safe operating procedures on cutting, welding and grinding equipment.

This is a good introductory welding project, suitable for use at the Grade 10 level in manufacturing.

Click here to download “Arc Welded Stump Handout PDF”

Expectations met by this project:

B3.1 set up hand tools, machine tools, power tools, and equipment (e.g., jigs and fixtures, clamps, engine lathe, welding equipment, milling machine, drill press, injection-moulding machine) properly in preparation for the manufacture of a product (e.g., robotic challenge, design challenge, fabrication project);

B3.2 use various hand tools, power tools, machine tools, and related equipment (e.g., saws, grinders, milling machine, engine lathe, welding equipment, vacuum-forming machine) safely and correctly to manufacture a product;

B3.3 use the proper procedures for maintaining and storing materials, tools, and equipment;

B3.4 demonstrate safe workplace practices and behaviours (e.g., follow instructions, keep work area clean and dry, don’t distract other workers) when using materials, tools, and equipment to manufacture a product.

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The Impossible Quiz Deluxe

Update – Link Fixed Again
Link Fixed:
Click here if you dare. (and then click on “Play Game”)

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The most valuable skill you can possess in life

The most valuable skill you can possess is the ability to acquire useful knowledge and apply it to solve real problems. Once you own this skill, you have all the education you’ll ever need.

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I really should put something interesting to read here.

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DHS Football Pics

I took some pictures of the Eagles football game on Friday.
You can see them by clicking here.

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